WCAAD provides Counselor Service for 9th-12th grade and middle school students, assisting them into their dream college/art high school!
Laurraine Guo earned acceptance to Rhode Island School of Design—Apparel Design in 2017in only 4 months. She expressed her gratitude to West California Academy of Art and Design.
“I will always remember the afternoon when I received the email from RISD notifying me of my acceptance to the school. I could hardly believe what I read. It was the best moment in my life! I feel lucky that I have made a right decision to choose West California Academy of Art and Design to help prepare my portfolio, which obviously sets me apart from other candidates! It was very intense and challenging to get a strong portfolio done within four months. I know now, I would never have met college portfolio requirements without guidance from Mr. Omar and other professionals at West California Academy of Art and Design.” ----Laurraine Guo
Laurraine Guo earned acceptance to Rhode Island School of Design—Apparel Design in 2017in only 4 months. She expressed her gratitude to West California Academy of Art and Design.
“I will always remember the afternoon when I received the email from RISD notifying me of my acceptance to the school. I could hardly believe what I read. It was the best moment in my life! I feel lucky that I have made a right decision to choose West California Academy of Art and Design to help prepare my portfolio, which obviously sets me apart from other candidates! It was very intense and challenging to get a strong portfolio done within four months. I know now, I would never have met college portfolio requirements without guidance from Mr. Omar and other professionals at West California Academy of Art and Design.” ----Laurraine Guo
Laurine Guo was a student who graduated from WCAAD in 2017. Her situation was dire as she was faced with a decision to apply in two years or sacrifice and create a portfolio in just four months. In consulting with her there was a plan to create path on which she could thrive while at the same time, balance her college as she also attended FIDM. Lauraine was scheduled with the right teacher, Omar Gallegos, had quality essays and high-definition digital pictures to package her portfolio in a way to give her an advantage and get her in as we need to create a portfolio from scratch.
All throughout she had free range and access to information that educated her on the nuances and ease of college applications. Ultimately an important guidance for a clear successful path for admittance in a risky situation.
All throughout she had free range and access to information that educated her on the nuances and ease of college applications. Ultimately an important guidance for a clear successful path for admittance in a risky situation.
With WCAAD Arts Admissions Consulting Packages students will have guidance from the Educational Consultant and Arts Specialist, Omar Gallegos, who has expertise and proven record of sending student to Ivy league and Art college and universities with scholarships has is lead Portfolio instructor. As a Visual Artist, visual arts professor and Vice Principal, he has earned a reputation for his experience, professionalism and strict ethical standards. His portfolio class have 100% admission rate for US top-tier art colleges including scholarships with over 5,000 students to date.
WCAAD plans for counseling are customized, based on the student’s abilities, skills and educational objectives with a variety of packaged plans. A combination of strategic targeted guidance, and quality major based portfolios, allows students to obtain acceptance in pursuit of: BA/BS BFA’s, MFA’s or dual degree at a liberal arts college or university.
WCAAD plans for counseling are customized, based on the student’s abilities, skills and educational objectives with a variety of packaged plans. A combination of strategic targeted guidance, and quality major based portfolios, allows students to obtain acceptance in pursuit of: BA/BS BFA’s, MFA’s or dual degree at a liberal arts college or university.
Yihang Ying, a 2017 WCAAD graduate, earned acceptance to his dream school—Art Center College of Design. He applied by himself in the previous year but failed. He then realized that Art Center is a highly competitive program so that he must distinguish himself from other applicants by showing case his strength in art. He chose WCAAD for its visionary and experienced team of instructors and counselors, who helped him develop his personal identity in art. “I made a right decision. WCAAD helped me find my own way in art. Without its help, I would have needed much more time to get accepted by my dream college.” He said.
100% Admittance Rate! 30-year History of Preparing Students for College!
15 graduating students for the 2022 academic year achieved 100% admittance to top-tier colleges with scholarship offers totaling over Four Million Dollars!
100% Admittance Rate! 30-year History of Preparing Students for College!
15 graduating students for the 2022 academic year achieved 100% admittance to top-tier colleges with scholarship offers totaling over Four Million Dollars!
22 graduating students for the 2023 academic year achieved 100% admittance to top-tier colleges with scholarship offers totaling, AGAIN, over Four Million Dollars!
WCAAD Portfolio Preparation and Counselor Services will make your top college dream come true!
WCAAD provides developmental caring and dynamic counseling and expertise services. Families and students alike can learn about colleges and specific factors of how to create an individual plan with the Academy’s credentialed professionals. For students applying to Ivy League schools, Art University, college transfers or supplemental, WCAAD counselors can help you showcase your talents in a creative and engaging ways by providing guidance, plans and feedback on portfolios and arrangement including: essays/artists statements, applications etc. The counselors can help consult on how these, and additional factors can fit to specific applications depending on schools.
At WCAAD, we have experienced various cases where student have successfully gone on to colleges with 100% peace of mind and with 100% admittance and high scholarships. This gives students and families’ choice when it comes to deciding their future and researched experienced college assistance. Through WCAAD’s quality education and resources, as well as critiques and preparing high quality digital portfolios, the counselors will discuss option for optimal results and help achieve dreams! WCAAD students have applied to and been accepted to schools such as Colombia, Harvard, Art Center, RISD, California.
Art production can play a crucial role into the admissions process, and though WCAAD’s experienced team will explain the admission process from the perspectives of a highly selective university, and various institutes for a better understanding of career options and education.
College Counseling Package 9th-12th Grade
Service include:
AP Assistance
College List/Major Selection & Planning
Financial Aid + Scholarship info
Guidance for UC/CSU + guidelines
Artist Statement
Essay Assistance + Review
Interview Coaching
College Auditions
Video Essay
Recommendation Letter(WASC Stamped)
High- def. Portfolio & Digital Copy
Application Assistance
Derek Jiang was a student who entered UCLA as an Engineer using his portfolio as a supplement to set him apart. This student was a non-art major and considered colleges that reflected his background.
College Counseling Package 9th-12th Grade
Service include:
AP Assistance
College List/Major Selection & Planning
Financial Aid + Scholarship info
Guidance for UC/CSU + guidelines
Artist Statement
Essay Assistance + Review
Interview Coaching
College Auditions
Video Essay
Recommendation Letter(WASC Stamped)
High- def. Portfolio & Digital Copy
Application Assistance
Derek Jiang was a student who entered UCLA as an Engineer using his portfolio as a supplement to set him apart. This student was a non-art major and considered colleges that reflected his background.
The counselors realized he was a 4.0 student and scored exceptionally high in his SAT’s among other attributes. Getting to know the students in the unique college plans are vital in creating a strong bond with families so they are also aware of how they can plan in the the process so they can support their children with relieve. The counselors can also suggest the best resources and services to help compete.
Like Derek,some college applicants want to present their creative endeavors in a supplementary way. If you are looking to continue to pursue the arts in an informal way while majoring in other disciplines, WCAAD counselors will work with you to get into Ivy League programs!
Like Derek,some college applicants want to present their creative endeavors in a supplementary way. If you are looking to continue to pursue the arts in an informal way while majoring in other disciplines, WCAAD counselors will work with you to get into Ivy League programs!
WCAAD counselors not only provide developmental caring and dynamic counseling and expertise services for students applying for art majors, but also play a decisive role for students applying for non-art majors. For students applying to Ivy League schools, or using art supplemental, the counselors can help them showcase their talents in a creative and engaging ways by providing guidance, plans and feedback on portfolios and arrangements. Families and students alike can learn about colleges and specific factors of how to create an individual plan with credentialed professionals.
WCAAD counselors share experience with diverse students often deciding to pursue a non-art career. Jonas Ma, a 2022 graduate, received 10 non-art major offers including Columbia University and UC Berkeley, as well as 4 art major offers including Pratt Institute and Art Center, scholarship totaling $540,000. Megana Sekar, the Columbia professor, hand-wrote in his admission letter: “I loved learning about your passion for art and the creative ways you’ve been exploring that. I’m excited for you to bring your talents to college, and I hope to see you on campus this fall. Welcome to Columbia!”
WCAAD counselors can also help middle school students apply for Art High School.
Service include:
Highschool List & Planning
Interview coaching
Highschool auditions
Essay Assistance + Review
Artist Statement
Recommendation Letter(WASC Stamped)
High- def. Portfolio & Digital Copy
Application Assistance
WCAAD counselors can also help middle school students apply for Art High School.
Service include:
Highschool List & Planning
Interview coaching
Highschool auditions
Essay Assistance + Review
Artist Statement
Recommendation Letter(WASC Stamped)
High- def. Portfolio & Digital Copy
Application Assistance
For certain students we realize that some youths have a clear vision of their career path. There are several high schools dedicated to the Visual and Performing Arts located in or near California, and these institutes become options for students and parents. Our program caters to a variety of tracks, particularly one where students choose an Art High School in the Visual or Performing Arts. Here they create a strong portfolio under guidance and mentorship that include: interview preparation, consultation, essay review and recommendation letters for those schools. This intensive goal-oriented curriculum, deepens their artistic development through exploration and strengths skills and range. With guided instruction students fulfill criteria set by chosen school and further, we see evidence after gaining admittance students continue their education with us for the pursuit of a college portfolio and AP assistance.
Jonathan Chu grew up at WCAAD taking notes from his older sister Rebecca who entered LACSHA in high school and recently graduating form Otis College of Design. Jonathan’s family really employed the Academy’s counselor service in a vital way--twice! Once for their admissions into art high school, LASCHA, and the other in admissions into their respected colleges Otis and Art Center their dream schools. They were always able to communicate as they were more active in communicating with staff as they grew up at the school. They always felt a sense of family, and this was no different as they had both a counselor and instructor who coached them through their journey.
The connection between students and teacher is most important and valuable especially when it comes to achieving college dreams. When families come to a fork in choosing a career, college, path, financing, and fear of rejection, the WCAAD college advising becomes a crucial key in creating a road to success. The counselors work very close and personal with students and families from beginning to the end creating a stronger bond that reflects both in the final application and portfolio. This is what makes this experience unique and rewarding. This personal connection is what can make a difference with so much competition these days.
WCAAD Counselor Team don't work with recruiters or third parties. When students have an outside counselor, this creates a conflict of interest, and WCAAD counselors can’t be responsible for bad advice plus additional money is wasted. WCAAD counselor service caters to art and non-art related majors. This is key as the counselor team offer a secure path knowing that there is a legacy of student that come to seek various educational journeys for continuing education relying on and earning trust that is renewed year to year with 100% successful student case profiles.
WCAAD college advisory is a connection to the students for a formula that turns into dreams year after year. Students will work one-to-one with faculty to develop an intense individual focused and disciplined-specific, portfolios. Counselors will guide students into the right path and plan for each individual’s needs. Constantly evaluating work for the best outcome.
WCAAD Counselor Team don't work with recruiters or third parties. When students have an outside counselor, this creates a conflict of interest, and WCAAD counselors can’t be responsible for bad advice plus additional money is wasted. WCAAD counselor service caters to art and non-art related majors. This is key as the counselor team offer a secure path knowing that there is a legacy of student that come to seek various educational journeys for continuing education relying on and earning trust that is renewed year to year with 100% successful student case profiles.
WCAAD college advisory is a connection to the students for a formula that turns into dreams year after year. Students will work one-to-one with faculty to develop an intense individual focused and disciplined-specific, portfolios. Counselors will guide students into the right path and plan for each individual’s needs. Constantly evaluating work for the best outcome.
The counselor conducts a thorough evaluation of student's abilities and potential, along with their goals, needs, and wants in the discipline they are pursuing to match them with opportunities available to them in college. They help students in identifying their goals for the future and creating a step-by-step plan to achieve those goals assisting student decide on college major and which areas of study including optional paths.
The counselors assist students in selecting the right pieces to showcase their abilities to colleges. Additionally, they help prepare the student to perform their best with coaching on how to deal with nerves and tackle any sight reading/cold reads that may come their way.
WCAAD college advisory team do intensive scholarship research for each school our students are considering, to determine what scholarship opportunities are available to them. They also help students stand out in the scholarship process, to maximize the amount of scholarships they are offered and providing financial aid and merit aid information. Most WCAAD graduates have received multiple scholarship offers, e.g. Ashley Xiang receiving 13 college offers in 2020 including Cornell University and UC Berkeley with scholarship totaling $212,000, and Vivian Lu receiving 9 college offers in 2023 with scholarship totaling $440,000.
The counselors assist students in selecting the right pieces to showcase their abilities to colleges. Additionally, they help prepare the student to perform their best with coaching on how to deal with nerves and tackle any sight reading/cold reads that may come their way.
WCAAD college advisory team do intensive scholarship research for each school our students are considering, to determine what scholarship opportunities are available to them. They also help students stand out in the scholarship process, to maximize the amount of scholarships they are offered and providing financial aid and merit aid information. Most WCAAD graduates have received multiple scholarship offers, e.g. Ashley Xiang receiving 13 college offers in 2020 including Cornell University and UC Berkeley with scholarship totaling $212,000, and Vivian Lu receiving 9 college offers in 2023 with scholarship totaling $440,000.
In addition, WCAAD counselors also provide services including: Academic profile & extracurricular activity assessment; Academic course selection and planning; Recommendations on extracurricular, community service, and summer opportunities; Support for summer program applications and essays; Development of standardized testing strategy (which tests to take, suggested dates for test taking, etc.); Development of college application list based on student’s post-secondary goals; Guidance for college visit planning, including open house events; Preparation for college admission interviews (mock interviews are available); Preparation of supplemental materials; Analysis of unique experiences and/or circumstances that may affect a student’s candidacy; Assistance with understanding and managing the wait list process; Helping families manage stress and anxiety related to the college application process, etc.
A dynamic college admissions advisory service with almost 40 years of successful experiences, and 100% admission rate to dream college speaks for itself.
Creating and having the guidance throughout the process is crucial. From academic planning, to essay review, to portfolio preparation and creating and presentation, our school provides the advice and information that a student needs to lay the foundation for a rewarding college experience and, eventually, a career in their chosen field — be it an engineer or a professional artist. It’s all about making you the strongest college candidate you can be. Students will learn how to stand out from other applicants, how to prepare and perform an audition, how to cultivate and present a portfolio, and how to successfully launch a professional career.
Set Sail for A Creative Life!
Creating and having the guidance throughout the process is crucial. From academic planning, to essay review, to portfolio preparation and creating and presentation, our school provides the advice and information that a student needs to lay the foundation for a rewarding college experience and, eventually, a career in their chosen field — be it an engineer or a professional artist. It’s all about making you the strongest college candidate you can be. Students will learn how to stand out from other applicants, how to prepare and perform an audition, how to cultivate and present a portfolio, and how to successfully launch a professional career.
Set Sail for A Creative Life!